STL Science Center

STL Science Center

19 November 2012

Achelousaurs' Other Movies

Yesterday I shared Dinosaur King and how to draw videos of Achelousaurus. I almost wiped out all of the video resources for Movie Monday by doing so yesterday. There are no new documentaries or kiddy movies that show Achelousaurus, probably because it is hard enough to pronounce it anyhow and because there have not been many feature length films about dinosaurs in a few years. Documentaries have barely, as we know, hit the tip of the iceberg on dinosaur species, so we typically do not expect the dinosaur of the week to have featured heavily in any documentaries unless it is a big name dino that has been popular for quite some time. One Youtube poster has designed a very short animation that we can view and another, named Rob Mutch, has filmed the skull cast on display in the Museum of the Rockies. There is also a SPORE contribution, but I will save featuring that until Thursday.

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