16 September 2013

No Bodies in Motion

The video library of Oligokyphus is pretty much nonexistent, so that means that we have to improvise today (that is if I can spell anything; I had to retype that sentence numerous times). As such, I would like to take the time today to look at the size of this little reptilian furball. Cynodonts in general were smaller animals and are thought to have lived, typically, in small burrows that were either primary or secondary holes (secondary meaning they stole it from someone else). Additionally, as we have discussed, the Tritylodonts are said to be completely herbivorous. Looking at analogous size in modern rodents and reptiles both, animals of this size are typically not completely herbivorous, though there are some that are to be sure; Iguanas, for example, are strictly herbivorous and can easily attain sizes larger than Oligokyphus. The first thought I had, at least, when looking at the size of this animal were rats on the mammal side and small monitors on the reptile side; both groups have carnivorous or omnivorous diets. Size, of course, does not always correlate strictly to diet with notable exceptions; our planet's largest animals tend to be herbivores. My point on size is that the size of this animal tends to make me think its diet, without looking at the teeth, would consist of other small mammals and reptiles as well as insects, rather than salads. However, it is a good thing that teeth tell a good story of the life of an animal and it is fortunate that we have those teeth to tell us that story.

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