23 September 2013

Skeletons Everywhere!

Paroodectes feisti
Genera of the day: Paramiacis, Paroodectes, Procynodictis. Paramiacis consists of two species, P. exilis Filhol 1876 and P. teilhardi Mathis 1987. These species were united as one species under P. exilis as sexual dimorphism examples. Mathis 1987 separated the two as individual species rather than retaining the hypothesis that they were male and female exemplars. Paroodectes  consists of a single species, P. feisti. Springhorn (1980) described this species as being very nearly related to the genus Oodectes which was discovered in North America despite this being a European species. He determined that the animal was arboreal and that it was a good example of how closely together, overall, the European and North American members of the family are united by their character traits. Procynodictis is made up of two species P. progressus and P. vulpiceps and is considered to be a direct ancestor of one of the first canid animals, Hesperocyon. Named initially by Wortman and Matthew in 1899, Procynodictis could make for a rather interesting study in transitions all by itself if given the time. The species P. vulpiceps is considered by some sources to be potentially synonymous with Miacis gracilis.

Mathis C. 1987. "Précisions sur le genre Paramiacis Mathis (Carnivora, Miacidae)" in Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (Paris).

Springhorn, R. 1980. "Paroodectes feisti new genus new species the 1st miacid carnivora mammalia from the middle eocene of messel west germany". Palaeontologische Zeitschrift (54(1–2)): 171–198.

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