STL Science Center

30 November 2015
People Hate Television
29 November 2015
Titanis in Motion
Titanis facts can be found littered about the internet. There are all kinds of reading levels represented ranging from the everyone friendly About to the literature-like Prehistoric Wildlife. Medium level pages can be found at Fossil Treasures of Florida and the Florida Museum of Natural History. I know some people are more interested in hearing from the scientists that love these fossil animals, or at least know them very well. To address those concerns, we can watch this Luis Chiappe interview about the Titanis that was featured in the BBC show Primeval (we can look that up tomorrow):
28 November 2015
Silhouetting Terror
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(C) Tuomas Koivurinne |
27 November 2015
Holiday Birds
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(C) Amanda (Flickr user spakattacks) |
24 November 2015
Why those Teeth?
What makes an animal develop the way it does is not as much of a mystery as it once seemed to be, but with an animal like Thylacosmilus there is still a healthy dose of skeptically looking at the teeth and thinking something like "Why would you possibly find that to be a beneficial morphology?" Plenty of researchers worldwide that are interested in either marsupials or carnivorans have asked many questions about the teeth of Thylacosmilus. The teeth of the morphologically similar saber-toothed cats are well studied and their extension beyond the mandible "makes sense" in comparison with that of Thylacosmilus. However, despite the clearly evident amazing morphology of these sabers, there are very few highly publicized papers on the dentition of these carnivores. That paper is actually an overview paper of many taxa, but it is still worth a read. Instead, research on the animal has focused on the brain, the ear (knowing how well a carnivore heard is integral to knowing aspects of their hunting ecology), and the postcranial skeleton. I admit that knowing the postcranial skeleton is very important for a variety of reasons (e.g. knowing that the animal was a marsupial, body shape), but there are a lot of different areas of this animal that continue to be very interesting. One of the best sources for today is, as most scientific books are, a relatively rare and harder to find text. The book is called Predators with Pouches and, while not a perfect source, covers Thylacosmilus quite well. Covering man extant animals, it also discusses extinct marsupial predators and does an acceptable job. Unfortunately, even the electronic book is over $140, which is normal for low volume scientific books. However, check out what can be seen online and try to enjoy it, even when a page you want to read is missing.
23 November 2015
Reconstruction of Skeletons
22 November 2015
Facts About Thylacosmilus
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(C) Angie Wilson |
21 November 2015
Fur-bearing Finale
December will not start until after the next week begins. However, this is going to be the last No-shave November mammal week that we are going to have here this year. This week's animal is an interesting carnivore. In fact, it is one of the more popular carnivores that existed during the Cenozoic, though not the most famous of its family. We have previously discussed Smilodon, and this week we examine its cousin, the interestingly jawed Thylacosmilus. The name is not widely known, but the odd mandibles of Thylacosmilus atrox and its family (Thylacosmilidae) have been found for nearly a century and are well known. The Miocene to Pliocene cat-like animals inhabited South America and were, amazingly maybe, marsupials. Their resemblance to cats is actually quite a coincidence. Their gape is a rather interesting conundrum, considering their teeth, and their bite force is extremely weak for their size. This is going to be a week of examining the weak and discovering what makes a marsupial so very much like a cat. Look at that adorable little face:
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Released into public domain by: ДиБгд |
19 November 2015
Not So Popular Otters
Pretty much all of the evidence we saw this week pointed toward our lovely large otter Potamotherium being a rather large mustelid rather than a small basal pinniped. The fact that it is a mustelid may impact the popularity of the animal (seals and sea lions in particular are more popular than river otters) as may have the fact that it is a mammal. People tend to love mammals, but they seem to shy away from fossil mammals and turn to the reptiles of the past in terms of what they most often love and awe in paleontology. This is okay, but a bit strange. It also makes interesting furry animals like Potamotherium a lot less successful in the popular science domain than many other animals. The smaller size of Potamotherium makes it easier to disregard as well, though there is no evidence for this kind of trend existing. As a parting note for this week, here is an illustration that was shown earlier in the week with one of the animal's vertebrae. It is pretty spiffy.
18 November 2015
Skulls and Fur
Potamotherium valetoni saint gerand le puy Musee d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris |
17 November 2015

16 November 2015
No Videos
15 November 2015
River Facts
The River Beast Potamotherium was an intriguing mammal, as extant River Otters and their cousins Sea Otters are as well. Its furry cuteness makes it an excellent animal to share and discuss today; it is kind of the opposite of the giant dinosaurs that kids like to learn about but is equally fantastic. The lesser known mammals of the Miocene have fewer fact pages associated with them typically, and despite its cuteness and popularity that we have seen so far, Potamotherium has very few fact pages as well. The Encyclopedia of Life has a few facts, but these are mostly simple classification and time frame facts. About's page has a more extensive fact page, but compared to most dinosaurs, this Potamotherium page is a bit sparse as well. However, Gregory Kvitko has produced a wonderful ink and paper, very otter-y, version of Potamotherium that can be colored while discussing the animal and the sparse facts:
14 November 2015
Fossil What?
An animal related to otters, other mustelids, or potentially related to pinnipeds (e.g. seals and sea lions) could have many overall forms. Thankfully, of course, we have quite a few good quality fossils that allow for educated morphological guesswork on the part of illustrators and reconstruction artists. The body plan that has been inferred from these fossils is heavily favoring a body that is much like that of the North American River Otter. River Otters, like Potamotherium, have sleek elongate bodies that are aerodynamic. This allows for swimming in freshwater loaded with current systems, such as rivers, and also allows the animal to be reasonably quick as, in the case of River Otters, they chase fish in the cool river waters. Aside from being mammals, the way River Otters stay warm in those cold waters is with heavy, oiled fur that traps warm air in their coat and waterproofs the fur. The similarity between Potamotherium and River Otters makes a lot of sense; Potamotherium means "River Beast."
13 November 2015
Giant Fossil Weasels
Technically we are not talking about a weasel or an otter (it is an otter-like creature though). This week we are discussing an extinct mustelid reminiscent of its descendants. These happen to be mustelids and/or pinnipeds, depending on the researcher that you ask. Potamotherium was a genus of carnivoran mustelids represented by the single species P. miocenium arising during the so-called "cat gap" of the Miocene. The "cat gap" is a part of the Miocene in which felids are noticeably absent. This era of time allowed other groups, like the mustelids, and Potamotherium, to assert themselves as more apex-like predators. Other large predators still roamed and kept mustelids in check, but the " cat gap" was a very important time in the evolutionary history of the mustelids and pinnipeds. Which group does Potamotherium belong to? We will examine the different opinions and findings that differentiate the placement of this large semiaquatic carnivore during the week. However, the fuzzy terror of other riverine, or maybe just freshwater fishes, was adorable at the same time as being scary and predatory.
12 November 2015
Know Your Proboscids
Elephants, mammoths, and mastodons are all closely related. Considering that mammoths and mastodons died off so relatively recently that our very near (geologically of course) ancestors hunted and lived alongside the giant herbivores. There have been taste tests of frozen mammoths, but not mastodons. The reason for that is partly the relative abundance of frozen mammoths compared to frozen mastodons that have been discovered. In fact, living more often in close proximity to forests and away from open ground, large open rivers, and crossing frozen lakes less often than their mammoth cousins has most likely led to this far lower number of mastodon flash freezes and subsequent frozen mastodon dinners. Mastodons also likely stayed away from the more likely freeze areas because they possessed far less shaggy coats than their woolly cousins, causing them to live in warmer areas and it is hypothesized that mastodons died out partly because they froze to death as a species. This does not mean we do not have very well preserved mastodons; instead of freezing whole they seemed to have a propensity for falling into the La Brea Tar Pits. These tar pit skeletons and the other North American finds have led to a great understanding of the animals and increased their popularity and face in the popular sciences that we see on television and movies. Mammoths remain far more popular among the majority of kids, but we can chalk this up to Ray Romano's Ice Age character more in the modern era than anything else (in my opinion). Mastodons, though, are still well known and still popular because they are, like mammoths and elephants, charismatic megafauna. Someone in Fort Wayne, Indiana loved mastodons. The Indiana-Purdue campus at Fort Wayne (there are a number of the IUPU hybrid campuses throughout the state) mascot is a mastodon; ignore his curved tusks!
11 November 2015
What is in Your Teeth?
The teeth of mammoths are composed of ribbon-like layers of enamel that create an interesting and highly effective grinding surface. Mastodons have very different teeth that are more well-suited to shearing and tearing. Where mammoths have flatter surfaces with grinding ribbons inlaid into the enamel plates, mastodons possess multiple nearly conical cusps in their teeth that allow for plant materials to be caught between the cusps and torn, sheared really, by the chewing actions of the jaws. The dietary differences are briefly mentioned by Daniel Fisher in this video showing the different teeth. The second video shows the teeth isolated from the mandible. Watch each video and appreciate the differences! Also, a special thanks to Elizabeth Deering for sharing much more information about mammoth teeth than I could post here!
10 November 2015
Mastodon Science Is Wonderful
One of the best thing about the recently extinct is that we tend to have a record that is usually a bit more tenable and therefore easier to study. That means I can excitedly share papers that discuss topics as wide ranging as protein sequences, hunting of mastodons, bone formation, and even evidence of butchering. The level of knowledge we can obtain from mastodons is astounding. The fact that we can use so many different methods and studies to explore the world and anatomy of mastodons. My favorite articles, as I repeatedly mention, are the descriptions. There is no way to get the type description that I have found yet, unfortunately. That kind of thing happens though when the naming article was written in 1792. There is an 1895 article discussing the species named by Robert Kerr which discuss the naming briefly. We can deal with that though, given the wealth of information that is available in the modern era.
09 November 2015
Movies of Mastodons
Some days the movies find themselves and the post barely even needs any writing. Today, despite my knowledge of music, I had to be reminded that searching just "Mastodon" turns up a lot more music than animals in the first hits that come up. However, there are plenty of videos for the animal as well. Enough that, once the search was reconsidered, there were plenty of videos that came up. On the news front there are videos about mastodons that were dug up, fairly recently, in a Michigan yard. The find was a surprise to the owner, but he was pretty excited, as was the news. Prehistoric New York, aired on Discovery, featured an episode on mastodons living in what would become the city a mere 12,000 years later. There episode of the show was pretty interesting overall, but it is awfully high production (thankfully of course as concerns documentaries). It is a nice depiction, just about as nice as the Field Museum's display, shown and discussed in this video. Personally, I'm a fan of this video that mixes the initial search (music) with the animal search. Here is Troy Sanders (parental discretion certainly advised here):
08 November 2015
Coloring the Mastodon
While most of the United States is watching football I encourage, as I always do, discussing and reading about the fossil animal of the week (I have nothing against football; I'm watching a game while I type). In terms of reading for this week, I highly suggest 10 Facts About Mastodons (contributed by Bob Strauss), BBC's page on the American Mastodon, and the Prehistory page of facts. Richard Conniff's page on the mastodons on In addition to that reading, I would highly encourage taking a moment out of your day to color one of these great looking mastodon coloring sheets:
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(C) Joseph A Garcia |
07 November 2015
Know Your Comparisons
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(C) Daniel Reed |
The differences between mammoth and mastodon are numerous and easily noticeable when two individuals of the different genera are shown next to the other. The most noticeable is often the illustration's amount of woolly covering, with mammoths almost always covered in a great deal more fur. This is certainly important, but less important than the other differences that we can call out and notice. The tusks of mastodons are less curved than those of mammoths and their heads are more streamlined overall. The hump at the dorsal aspect of the mammoth skull contains some fat content, the same as the hump dorsal to their shoulders. This fat is more important to the cold tolerances of mammoths,which mastodons apparently did not need as immediately. We can assume that the lack of body warming fat humps in mastodons means that 1) they did not need to insulate as much and 2) they did not require a camel-like nutrient retention system. Another notable difference we can see here is the angle of the body. Mammoths have noticeably longer forelimbs than hindlimbs, making their body appear to slant upwards from their rear ends to their heads. Mastodons, on the other hand, appear to be almost entirely horizontally oriented, though their forelimbs are slightly longer than their hindlimbs. A difference not seen here is in the teeth of the animals. The differences in teeth reflect dietary differences and we will look at those in the days to come.
06 November 2015
The Less Woolly Cousin
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(C) Charles R. Knight |
05 November 2015
Famous for A Cow
Saying a cow is famous sounds a little silly. However, when we consider that bovids like the Aurochs made such an impression on humans that they appeared in their cave art and have shown up in other forms like the videos, books, and even a toy or two like that below, it is difficult to say that Aurochs are not indeed famous.
Fame goes way beyond simply being popular. It is true that the Aurochs is a popular animal, so popular in fact that the great wild ox is being re-introduced to the wild. The active breeding program is still ongoing and rather than continuing to laud the many popular outlets I think we should end this week on a Tedx talk on "DeExtinction" about the precarious position of the potentially extinct giant ox:
Fame goes way beyond simply being popular. It is true that the Aurochs is a popular animal, so popular in fact that the great wild ox is being re-introduced to the wild. The active breeding program is still ongoing and rather than continuing to laud the many popular outlets I think we should end this week on a Tedx talk on "DeExtinction" about the precarious position of the potentially extinct giant ox:
04 November 2015
Paint it on the Cave
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Lascaux Cave Art |
03 November 2015
Writing About Cows

02 November 2015
Aurochs and Mountains
Europe, where the history comes from (as Eddie Izzard states), has been a bit of a battleground, as the other continents have been in their time, for conservation and wildlife "rights" for some time now. Granted there has been much turmoil in some parts of the continent in the past thirty years that has put wildlife on a backburner, but many conservation efforts appear to have taken root quite well (others not so much as yet). The initiative of key interest to the blog today, however, is the reintroduction of Aurochs to the wilds of Europe. The Tauros Programme is focused on retro-breeding Aurochs from domesticated cattle that were originally bred from the once prolific and prevalent wild oxen of Europe. As the third largest mammal of the "Ice Age" (behind Woolly Rhinos and Woolly Mammoths) it was an important food source (arguably it still is as all extant cattle breeds globally can be traced back to the Aurochs) and, after domestication and breeding efforts, an important work animal as well. Standing almost 2m tall it was an extremely large bovid and retro-breeding the animals and reintroducing them is a complex and potentially dangerous program. Recently, on 16th October of this year, a third herd was released into the wilderness of the Danube Delta of Romania. The two initial sites are located in Western Iberia (the Portugal/Spain border area) and the Velebit Mountains of Croatia. The retro-breeding site itself is in The Netherlands and the near-oxen are the pride of the Dutch cattle herders that are in charge of them. They are as genetically and anatomically close to the original stock as possible and the goal of all of this work is to re-establish the ecological role of the original animal. This begs the question, is it possible to re-engineer a wild animal from its domesticated descendants? This is what these wonderful animals look like today, I will let the audience decide if they think it is possible to repopulate the wild while they watch this (comments welcome):
01 November 2015
Sometimes Inaccuracy is Okay
While looking for fact pages and interactive websites to share with kids, I found quite a few interesting things. As usual there are numerous fact based websites that can be shared with kids such as About that we have used here before. Additionally, however, there are some interesting new sites like EBK for Kids, a British site I used to use when teaching history while I was a teacher; KidzSearch, an encyclopedia for kids; and Sheppard Software's online encyclopedia. One thing that came up that may be fun to watch, but is not at all scientifically accurate, is a Fox Searchlight film (i.e. semi-independent) called Beasts of the Southern Wild. An interview with one of the directors revealed this wonderful quote pertaining to the Aurochs shown in the film:
Right. They didn’t go extinct till the 17th century.
So we were factually inaccurate on multiple levels.
So we were factually inaccurate on multiple levels.
I honestly have no issue with this admission. The fact that the directors knew that the Aurochs in their film were not accurate (they used pot-bellied pigs wearing muskrat, or nutria, skins) makes the film a little more credible. The directors admit that they were going for their vision of the story and not scientific accuracy, which is respectable, but requires either an educated audience that will know the difference between science fact and interpreted fantasy or an audience that knows nothing about the animal and does not care. I enjoy movies for movies when I know that the accuracy is not supposed to be completely scientifically supported, and this movie certainly qualifies for that category. Try to enjoy it if you watch it this weekend.
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