Hello all!
You're stuck at home. You're loved ones are stuck at home. I'm stuck at home. I'll be working on lectures and moving my class (and helping colleagues move online) all week. However, if you, your friends, or those lovely students you've suddenly been locked in with are looking for dinosaur or ornithology information over the coming weeks I'd like to offer what I can.
From 9am - 12pm EST during the weekdays I'll leave my Twitter feed (@ornithanatomist) open to questions. Maybe I'll get a lot of questions, maybe I won't! If you have questions, though, ask and I'll answer, find an answer (if I can), or point you to a good source to find the answer.
Stay tuned here and on Twitter. As I'm able I may be able to work out themed question days. I may (time permitting) be able to set up live Q & A sessions as well. Stay tuned everyone.