STL Science Center

STL Science Center

01 July 2012

Ancient Ducks For Modern Children

I have a good resource for us today that I found over a month ago and got permission for and everything. This is the kind of thing I love to share that will allow the children to use their imaginations, and the adults too, and have some fun coloring and sharing family time. What we have is a make your own Presbyornis activity:
In the case of Presbyornis there is no children related page, toys, or children's books, unless you count Currie and Sovak's book mentioned yesterday. So instead of worrying about a lot of facts today with the children in your life, just have fun imagining and creating stories. We do a lot of reading, watching clips, and artistic things on the "family days" around here, so why not change a little and make this a day you can create a story together, right a little, perhaps even create your own story book!


  1. i dont know what im supposed to do here!!! all i see is a birdie :p

    1. The activity was to have fun naming the bird and giving it a back story. It's an imagination enriching activity.
